Motivational Posters I'd Like to see
For your Friday Chuckles..
If you don't get the humor, take heart, that just means you're not a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Gamer nerd like me.
You know you always wondered who that 'other guy' was when you watched Star Trek. If you ever watched Star Trek that is....
How many times have I found myself yelling at the movie "JUST KILL HIM ALREADY, STUPID! ENOUGH BLATHER! YOU'RE A BAD GUY, PROVE IT!!!". The bad guy ALWAYS talks too much and by the time he gets around to killing the good guy, it's too late because the Good Guy always goes all supersecretninja on him and gets away. *sigh*
You're probably thinking to yourself "What the heck are Four Sided Dice? and WTF does 6d8 mean??" If you laugh at this poster, then you're my kind of blog reader. Nerd.