Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Is this how things work nowadays?

If you are doing something illegally, and the people you are doing this illegal act against decide to defend themselves, does this give you the right to scream and wail at them for not allowing you to continue committing this illegal act against them?

Is this how things work nowadays?

The Palestinians did this against Israel with the Israeli wall building, and now the Mexicans are getting in on the act against the U.S.

Read this and shake your head in dismay.

The U.S. Government is planning on building a security fence across OUR border with Mexico to prevent ILLEGAL Mexican Immigrants from sneaking into the U.S. *gasp*

Nowhere in that article does the Mexican Government or anyone else for that matter realize that all immigrants need to do to immigrate to America is to go through the proper channels. That's it. And those people will be able to travel to America and work here, LEGALLY, and send their money back home if they wish.

It's not xenophobia, or anything else, as a matter of fact, the vast majority of all immigrants prior to the so-called 'Mexican Invasion' had LEGAL PAPERWORK. Chinese, Vietnamese, Swedes, Irish, Germans, Norwegians, Egyptians, etc. etc.

Let me try an example: my neighbor has this awesome pool and hot tub, and I want to go use it because I don't have one on my property, and I know if I go relax in it for a while I will become more relaxed and my family back at home will benefit from my less stressful self. So I sneak across into the neighbors backyard in the middle of the night to use the pool - I have a great time and call my family back at home and they are greatly pleased that I am relaxed and enjoying myself. Well before long, my neighbors next to me catch wind of what I'm doing and they sneak in and use the neighbor's pool also, to the benefit of their families. We continue to do this unimpeded for years. Well, finally, the owner of the pool decides enough is enough when he tires of his pool being used so much that it becomes very dirty, the filtration system clogs, and he needs money to repair it. Well, he decides that the main problem is the illegal use of his pool by his neighbors, who aren't being very neighborhly, and his pool isn;t designed to handle that much use without proper mainteenance, and he decides to do something about it.

So he comes to my house and knocks on my door. I answer. The neighbor pleads, 'Excuse me, Sir, could you please stop using my pool illegally at night, I will allow to you to use it anytime, but please ask permission of me first and chip in 3 dollars each time you use it to help pay for its maintenance so we can all enjoy it!'

'No way!' I say. Knowing full well he won't do anything to stop me from sneaking into his back yard, using his pool and enjoying myself, all the time not having to help maintain it or anything. What a deal! I begin telling all my neighbors about this wonderful backyard that has such a great pool in it, and it becomes part of my family's stories and lifestyle. So I keep on using his pool, many, many more nights, until the pool once again becomes clogged and needs maintenance.

My neighbor decides to build a fence so I can't continue to sneak into his back yard and use his pool. I go next door and knock on his door.

'What do you think you are doing! this is an outrage! You are changing my lifestyle and all of my neighbors! I think you are Anti-Curley and xenophobic because you raised this fence to keep me out of your yard! This is all our territory and you are violating my rights to play in your pool! I demand that you tear down this fence, I will organize an international protest against your fence because it violates my human rights!'

The neighbor replies, 'All you have to do is ask my permission and help chip in for maintenance, and you're welcome here.'

I think you get my point.

What's the big deal here?

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Vote Democrat, the party of Surrender!

Here it is. The House bill titled "Expressing the commitment of the House of Representatives to achieving victory in Iraq" was voted on last Friday.

108 Democrats voted against it.

Hmm...if I didn't know any better I'd think most of the house Dems are not committed to helping us win in Iraq (59 Dems voted for it, these must be the ones that actually like their home country).

Is this considered 'patriotic dissent'? Looks more like treason to me.

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

This War Sucks

A guest blogger appears on Iowahawk's blog to post about the War in Iraq. Ever wonder what the War on Terror looks like from the Al Qaeda point of view? Read on.


The Zarkman on the Iraq War

I promise to keep my posts clean from now on, and most of my links will be to family friendly sites, but man, is this stuff FUNNY. I had to share.

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Harry Potter - explained...

Found this one on the brilliant webcomic "The Order of the Stick". Kinda puts into words (and colorful stick figures) alot of the thoughts that have crossed my mind while watching the various Potter movies. Maybe you've had these thoughts as well...but I can only suspect..

Oh and I am a Harry Potter fan, just jealous of how 'cool' he is.


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Monday, December 05, 2005

Article on the "Big Picture" in the Middle East

I found this latest Mark Steyn article via Little Green Footballs.

Please read this brilliant article and try to understand why I get so worked up about a certain political party's attempts to stymie something that will change the world for the better - and all because of politics.

Click and read me.

Once again, I will reiterate my position on this issue, it transcends internal American political parties, always has. If Bill Clinton was president now and was leading the War On Terror: Iraq Front, I would be 100% supportive of his efforts and our military's efforts. Just so you know.

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Friday, December 02, 2005

Quote of the week:

Personally, I take no offense at the government unveiling a Christmas tree on the grounds of the "People's House." Besides, a place that in love with pork is hardly kosher to begin with.
- Jonah Goldberg, Hold the 'Holy' in Happy Holidays

In reference to the U.S. Congress' unveiling of a 'Holiday Tree' (read: Christmas
Tree) at the U.S. Capitol and the raging debate regarding the use of the harmless word 'Christmas'.

This coming from a (presumably) Jewish columnist.


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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Zymurgy Poll

Dear intrepid Spatial Dimension readers and beer fans alike, due to the recent opening of my carboy for another batch of home-brew, I am planning my next batch to brew probably sometime in early January or right before Christmas. The problem is, I have made all the beers that are my favorites already and I cannot decide what to make next.

So, being the democratic type guy that I am, I'd like to open this one up to you all to give me your favorite type of beer and a recommendation if they aren't the same. If you know me, just think, if you win the poll, you get to taste what you wanted when its done conditioning in January!


First a couple of conditions:

1) Lagers are difficult to make and I do not have the proper equipment to do so yet. So please do not recommend any types of pilsners or mass produced Ameri-beers such as Budweiser or Miller.

2) I'm not too hip on trying to make another high gravity beer, such as a Belgian Abbey Ale or Barleywine or the like. My first high-grav has been conditioning for four months and it still hasn't carbonated. I'd rather not wait for the final product that long - oh and they're expensive to brew.

That's it. Post your favorite beer or beer style and I'll pick the most popular or the one that looks best!


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In honor of Winter

For those of you that really really miss Calvin and Hobbes - enjoy! (reminds me of my childhood)

Thanks to Abbiegirl for the comics...

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