Friday, April 28, 2006

On the Alien Invasion

I'm sure you've heard on the news lately all this blather about the Illegal Alien invasion that has been occurring in this country for the past couple of decades or so, which all of a sudden our federal Government has finally decided to notice. Not that they're going to do anything about it, because they won't, but at least they're considering it as their next big vote buying issue/scheme. I thought in the spirit of all this that I'd at least give a quick comment on it and share a story I found regarding a legal alien (you know, a person who actually followed the rules)working here in the U.S.

I hear that on Monday, these illegal alien invaders and their supporters are planning on 'shutting down' some U.S. cities by staging huge protests, demanding they be given amnesty. well I've had more than enough of this B.S., and I hope beyond all hopes that the INS decides to actually take advantage of the situation and take all the paddy wagons they have and go to these demonstrations and start loadin 'em slap full of 'protesters'. It seems so glaringly clear to me...I mean there they all are, all these law breakers, in broad daylight giving us all the proverbial finger! CATCH THEM AND SHIP THEM! Of course, the Government is not known for doing anything that makes sense, much less anything at all, so this will indeed not happen. The paddy wagons will remain in the garages they keep them in, much like the school buses in a City of New Orleans parking lot after Katrina blew through (how's that for simile?). But hey, a man can dream, can't he?

Here's the article I mentioned before my mini-rant. Read and think about it.

Overqualified Immigrant

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Fun with Google Earth - Name that place I

Just for kicks, here are two images from Google Earth of relatively well known locations in the world. Can you name them?

First Category - U.S. Cities:



First to answer correctly is the Honorary MapGeek of the week. yeah, you know you wanna be that cool.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I admit, I have an addiction.... *sob*

Hello, my name is Pat, and I am Buffalo wing addict. I crave them almost all the time (the only time I'm not craving them is when I just finished eating sixteen of them). The particular wings I crave are found at Wild Wing Cafe (Shameless plug), the hands-down best hot wings I have ever sloppily devoured in my life.

In particular I crave the heavenly crispy, yet juicy, spiciness of the little pieces of poultry parts slathered with 'Chernobyl' sauce provided by the various Wild Wing locations. Their Chernobyl sauce has achieved the perfect balance of spiciness, garlicity (is that a word?), and flavor that make all other wing sauces pale in comparison. If I'm feeling realy bold, I go for the next level of heat, 'China Syndrome'. Mmmmm..*drool*

My admission of addiction may come as no surprise to some of you, so I shall continue no further. But, in my zeal for wings, I stumbled across a paper written on the culture and history of the Buffalo wing, complete with distribution maps of wing dealers...errr...restaurants.

Yes, I finally did find the perfect match of Geography and hot wings. I have reached the proverbial Halls of Valahalla, as they say in Scandinavia.

Click and enjoy blue cheese gooeyed goodness.

Man I'm hungry.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Oh this is such FUN!

As you are probably aware, the esteemed (*chuckle*) Congresswoman (*choke*) from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney, is back in the news because of another display of her self centered idiocy. I've been following this story since it broke because it hits pretty close to home, seeing as how she's from an Atlanta district and all, and I knew that there would be some extreme entertainment value out of this one. Well, I don't want to get too much into how little I think of her, but I just wanted to point you all to a couple of stories regarding this incident.

Boortz is the King of Snark today with his Nuze - Check out the first four items. He makes his point succinctly and, did I say, beautifully snarkily?

Seems as though it's so bad for McKinney, that even the Democrap..errr Democrats don't want to deal with her! And here all along I thought she was just their litle darling!


Stay tuned, and maybe she'll get more support from anti-American idiots like Harry Belafonte (he's an anti semite too! wow, a double doozy!), Danny Glover, Hamas, other terrorist supporters...oh wait, never mind, she's already gotten all their support!

Silly me, haven't I been paying attention?

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