Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Hillary Show!

Ran across this website, 'Stop Her Now!' (Hat tip to Neal's Nuze) which is devoted to stopping Hillary Rodham-Clinton-Heimer-Schmidt from winning the Presidency in 2008.

Found these humorous Flash animated cartoons called, 'The Hillary Show'.

In the premiere episode, Hillary interviews John Kerry.
John 'Ketchup King' Kerry

In episode #2, Hillary interviews everyones favorite moonbatty rich liberal artist, Babs (she's like BUttah!)
'My House is Bigger than yours so I know whats good for you, even if you think otherwise...'

In the third installment, Hillary interviews, er..catfights with The Speaker-ess of the House, Nancy Pelosi!


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Thursday, February 01, 2007


No comment. I mean really, what else needs to be said?

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