Ads and such
If you've been following my blog at all (there may be four of you out there..) you might have noticed that I have added an advertising bar across the top of my page. A couple reasons for this:
1) I'm trying to increase traffic to my blog, well just because....
2) and they will pay me for every time that one of my blog readers clicks on an ad.
Hey, why the heck not have the ads up there then? Hope yall don't mind too much.
Funny thing is, they have some sort of computerized deal that scans through your blog and picks ads according to your page content - kind of like how Amazon tracks your favorite items. Well when I logged in this morning there was an ad up there that said "Replace Bush"?
Wow, I didn't realize that one post questioning President Bush's motives puts me in the lefty blog category. I better take my post back.
Forget I ever said anything bad about President Bush...OK? *wink wink*
I think I'm going to start posting more about beer and gaming and see what happens.
Oh, and don't forget to click on the ads for me!