Friday, February 24, 2006

Ads and such

If you've been following my blog at all (there may be four of you out there..) you might have noticed that I have added an advertising bar across the top of my page. A couple reasons for this:

1) I'm trying to increase traffic to my blog, well just because....
2) and they will pay me for every time that one of my blog readers clicks on an ad.

Hey, why the heck not have the ads up there then? Hope yall don't mind too much.

Funny thing is, they have some sort of computerized deal that scans through your blog and picks ads according to your page content - kind of like how Amazon tracks your favorite items. Well when I logged in this morning there was an ad up there that said "Replace Bush"?

Wow, I didn't realize that one post questioning President Bush's motives puts me in the lefty blog category. I better take my post back.

Forget I ever said anything bad about President Bush...OK? *wink wink*

I think I'm going to start posting more about beer and gaming and see what happens.

Oh, and don't forget to click on the ads for me!

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Senator Ted's Excellent Adventure

Seems as though Massachussetts biggest embarrassment (I know, its hard to outdo John Kerry) experienced a bit of free speech at a speaking engagement he had at a local Massachussetts University. Apparently all it took was the B.S. introduction they gave for the 'illustrious' senator to set this guy off.

We Remember too, Teddy!
Courtesy of Thunkmaster D

And this from a self avowed lib. Go figure. Oh and check the pic of Teddy in the article. Theres some hardship for ya. Puhleease.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mister President? What are you thinking???

So I have finally reached a point where I cannot no longer approve of the current presidential administration. As much support as I have given them in the past, it seems they are headed in the direction of the old saying 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'. If President Bush decides to grow a pair and bomb Iran, stop illegal immigration and reform Social Security, then maybe I'll forgive him and his administration.


It was bad enough that President Bush has abandoned his social security reform, he's abandoned the ANWR drilling initiative, has not vetoed a SINGLE spending bill put before him by the pork laden Congress, will not even consider the Flat Tax plan because of the Washington Lobby, and has absolutely ignored the problem of illegal immigration except by offering them amnesty. And now this whole UAE ports authority thing? Is Pres. Bush on crack? I guess the administration would rather see the cash from this deal than worry about nukes being smuggled into our ports.
See Boortz for a great blog on this issue, I won't waste any space here because I couldn't have said it any better.

Read Me and weep.

and this from James Lileks.

I don't know who to vote for in the 2008 election. The Dems are a joke, and now the Republicans are showing that they don't take national security seriously. Does ANY political party represent my views? (The Libertarians and Constitutionalists are steadfast against the War on Terror, showing they do not take National Defense seriously either).

Can anyone out there help me decide? I feel like a lost soul...

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Howdy, Yall

Hey everyone, just checking in. I'm in the midst of a transition here at work since I've accepted a new job with another company and we are really excited about it. I'll get you some more details later on it, but I just couldn't ignore the fact that I've been neglecting my Blog for this long.

So here's a link to enjoy while I go back to work and finish up this stuff. Yuck.

Live Action D&D Nerds

If you've never heard of LARPing (you may have seen a bit in my last D&D related video post) people really DO this. in the woods. for like four days at a time. here in Georgia and in other places near you. go figure.

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Friday, February 03, 2006

A D&D Gamer Documentary

Thanks to Commish Dennis for a link to probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

I *swear* I've never EVER done any of these things before in High School. I *swear*. Really.

Click here and you will automatically Fail your Saving throw for Bigby's Uncontrollable Laughter

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Cartoon Jihad is in full swing

OK. So this editorial cartoonist in Denmark makes some cartoons that aren't exactly friendly to the Muslim prophet Muhammad (or Mohammed, or whatever), and now the terrorists in Gaza are demanding apologies from the European governments because of this? Apparently it is because many Muslims feelings were hurt.

I kid you not. What a bunch of cry babies, I've never seen anything like this in my life. It gets better, apparently these 'gunmen' (read terrorist whineybabies) are demanding that the 'Palestinian' people boycott Danish, French and German products.

BUWAHAHAHAHAH!!! as if they can afford to do without. Whatever.

Read about the temper tantrum here.

The irony is sooo overwhelming I don't even know where to start. From the article:

Palestinian gunmen in the West Bank city of Nablus said they were searching apartments for foreigners from several European countries to try to kidnap them to protest the drawings. The claim by the gunmen could not immediately be verified independently.

Followed a short bit later by:
The furor over the drawings, which first ran in a Danish paper in September, cuts to the question of which is more sacred in the Western world — freedom of expression or respect for religious beliefs. The cartoons include an image of Muhammad wearing a turban shaped as a bomb with a burning fuse.

Gee, now where did that Danish cartoonist get the idea that Mohammed may be the prophet of a violent religion?

Oh I dunno..check here to see some of what the Arab world has been drawing in their cartoons.

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Weirdest USB Devices

From the computer geek department, check out the Top Ten Weirdest USB Devices.

Thanks to Commish Dennis for the link.

mmmm...self destruct button.....

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