Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mister President? What are you thinking???

So I have finally reached a point where I cannot no longer approve of the current presidential administration. As much support as I have given them in the past, it seems they are headed in the direction of the old saying 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'. If President Bush decides to grow a pair and bomb Iran, stop illegal immigration and reform Social Security, then maybe I'll forgive him and his administration.


It was bad enough that President Bush has abandoned his social security reform, he's abandoned the ANWR drilling initiative, has not vetoed a SINGLE spending bill put before him by the pork laden Congress, will not even consider the Flat Tax plan because of the Washington Lobby, and has absolutely ignored the problem of illegal immigration except by offering them amnesty. And now this whole UAE ports authority thing? Is Pres. Bush on crack? I guess the administration would rather see the cash from this deal than worry about nukes being smuggled into our ports.
See Boortz for a great blog on this issue, I won't waste any space here because I couldn't have said it any better.

Read Me and weep.

and this from James Lileks.

I don't know who to vote for in the 2008 election. The Dems are a joke, and now the Republicans are showing that they don't take national security seriously. Does ANY political party represent my views? (The Libertarians and Constitutionalists are steadfast against the War on Terror, showing they do not take National Defense seriously either).

Can anyone out there help me decide? I feel like a lost soul...

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