Interesting Iraq Article
It seems we are winning in Iraq. Duh. Of course alot of people for some unknown reason have and still want us to lose there. I really don't understand that viewpoint because a new Democratic Iraq is better for all humanity in the long run - all politics aside.
Read me.
There is a description in this article referring to the parks of Baghdad this summer - how they are full of families enjoying the outdoors without fear of being killed or abducted by Saddams goons. THAT is what life is about. And it took alot of effort and leadership to free the Iraqi people. A free Iraq is a friend to the US, and that is good - at least if you care about your country and the place you live.
You can thank the US Military for this new rebirth of a country that was once the cradle of civilization.
Thank you, U.S. Troops and Veterans. And a special shout out to my home boy Nato who served in Iraq. THANK YOU!