Obama Fans Look Here.....
If you don't see the difference - then there's no hope for you or our country.
But hey, 'change' is good...right? or is it?? you be the judge.
This 'change' is not one we should believe in. Unless you'd like to be a communist.
But then to some people that's not a bad word. So there ya go. We probably will elect this former Muslim that has a wife who hates this country. Oh, and his preacher hates this country too...but he's not aware of that.
Oh who cares. He's black and new and can talk well. yeehaw.
Those of you who compare him to MLK or other great black leaders - apparently do not realize that those great men and women spoke of freedom ... while this man speaks of 'security' and 'fairness'.
That means 'slavery to the government'. Questions?? ask me, I'll fill ya in.
Change my ass.