A Sad day indeed
Yesterday, the 'Palestinians' currently living in the West Bank (actually they are Jordanians, but that's not as sexy), elected Hamas to be the new leadership of the 'Palestinian State'.
Baaaaad news.
In case you didn't know, Hamas is the terrorist group that claimed responsibility for killing hundreds if not thousands of Israeli citizens in terrorist attacks. They are now taking power in 'Palestine' (The Gaza). I was honestly disappointed to read this when I saw it on the internet news because it means one thing:
Many many people will die.
Unfortunately for them, the majority of them will be 'Palestinians'. Hamas stands for nothing but bloodshed and killing Jews, so this next year will be very very bad in the Middle East. And with Iran rattling its saber, it ain't looking pretty.
Of course they don't truly understand the power that will be unleashed on them if they screw with the U.S. or Israel too much. I fear we may find out, although I hope and pray that we won't have to. My prayers will be with the people of Israel, now that their next door neighbor enemy has taken its mask off.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....