Friday, June 03, 2005

From the 'where were you before 2003?' files:

Death Toll at 825 Since New Iraq Gov't

Looks like the AP has found a new tally to keep. Good for them! I just wonder why they didn't keep a body count before the U.S. Invasion in 2003 deposed one of the bloodiest dictators in history.

Wait, I know why! Because they couldn't possibly pin all of those mass graves and mysterious deaths on President Bush!

Do I get a cookie?

Oh and in case you didn't catch it, there is ONE mention of the word terrorist in this article, and it's in scare quotes. According to the brilliant minds at the AP, the people that are actually responsible for taking all these innocent lives by blowing themselves up in mosques and in public markets aren't 'terrorists'. Nah, they're rebels. Or insurgents. Or some other glorious moniker for a bunch of murdering thugs.

AP = Anti-American, Anti-Iraqi Ghouls.

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At 10:03 AM, Blogger Curleygirl said...

Yes, but did you notice that the death count is the insurgents killing the Iraqis? Doesn't have anything to do with the US Forces (though I could be wrong, but listening to the news, it's presented this way). The Iraqis need to get a handle on their country.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger P-Dogg said...

yes it does though - you're not reading between the lines. See, according to the AP, none of this body count stuff would be necessary if only we'd just left Saddam in power! There wouldn't be any newsworthy items out of Iraq like body counts due to the 'insurgency'. So, see, it's all our fault for taking him out of power and creating this 'insurgency'!


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