Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Rain rain rain...theres been no shortage of it since it started here last Friday evening. Put a damper on any Memorial Day weekend events, not that we had anything major outdoors stuff planned anyways..but I sure did feel sorry for all those folks vacationing on the lake in their pontoon boats. Not.

Saw a couple movies over the weekend: American Rhapsody, Sideways, and Phantom of the Opera.

American Rhapsody was alright - it had promise but it just didn't quite end the way it should have with a more convincing note. And what was with Suzanne's obsession with Hungary anyways? Most American teenagers have other things on their mind. Whatever.

Sideways was deserving of the awards its been nominated for, an all around good movie. Yeah the main characters are annoying, but it sure did say a lot about hope and friendship - at least amongst men. I don't think I could have put up with Jack's shenanigans, but then I'm not a depressed, needy, self destructive, wine snobby loser. I recommend it.

Phantom of the Opera is one that APC has been wanting to see for a while - a movie adaptation of the Broadway musical. I hate to say it but it was, as they say in internet lingo, teh suck. Too much singing, and not enough plot. I will still go to see the stage production, and I know it will be better, solely because the music will not have cheesy drum machine riffs in it. What, Herbie Hancock meets the Opera Populaire? Awful.

Oh yeah - saw Team America World Police, by the brilliant Stone & Parker of South Park fame. Pretty funny, but not as funny as I thought it was going to be. The thing that got me though, is how Stone & Parker have a knack of commenting on current world politics in an almost infantile way, but the message gets through loud and clear and really says something more adult. In this case the medium is a bunch of marionettes used instead of actors because Stone & Parker 'hate actors'. Bravo. South Park is like that all the time, unless you're secretly rooting for the City Wok guy to get those 'Stupid Mongorians!' (Can't find a political message there...). Check it out if you can handle some filthy language, and look for the deeper statements on politics and society in general. Every political group gets abused. Brilliant. (I'm so ronery.....)

Oh yeah...almost forgot - the EU is slowly going down in flames. Guess the European uppercrust is underestimating the opinions of the nationalistic masses. Heh.

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