Friday, May 20, 2005

Prelude to a Weekend...ahh Friday

Friday morning commutes are the best. For some reason no one comes to work in the morning on Fridays and everyone else who does gets to enjoy the lack of their cars taking up space on my highways. Well regardless it was record time getting in. yay!

WOW Adventures
So last night I decide to scratch that itch which is the need for a new PC game. So Derek is good enough to lend me his evaluation version of World of Warcraft. I get the box of gamey goodness in my hand..rush home with it, visions of smashing enemy hordes and exploring new dungeons dancing in my head. I run upstairs to the computer and pull out the install discs..only four!! Man, I'm gonna be playing this in no time!!!

Wrong. Those measly four discs took an hour to install. Each one ending with a Blizzard licensed *THUD*tm. Fine. After the final *THUD*tm, I create a user account and hit the 'Play World of Warcraft' button with quivering anticipation....the screen darkens, music plays and a killer animation plays showing me all the nasties in the World of Azeroth and how they fight great battles. Excellent! Then the game does something called a handshake. a Handshake?? Whatever. Well after a few seconds this handshake informs me that I have to install some downloaders and patches in order to play WOW. So out OUT I go to the patch downloader in Windows. The downloader informs me that I do not have enough space to download the patches. *sigh* The downloader obviously agrees with me that I need to upgrade my PC..but that's another tale. Two hours later, after four patch downloads, each accompanied with a handshake iteration, I am in the world of Azeroth as a Troll Warrior smashing anything that approaches me with axe aplomb. SMASH!!! Was all this pain worth it??

YES. I will be losing more sleep than I had planned on, baby coming and all. Looking forward to spending some quality time in Azeroth this evening smashing anything that moves.

OK enough nerdiness for one day. Well not quite, here's your Spatial Link o'the Day, click and learn:

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