Thursday, May 19, 2005

Greetings Web Travelers..

I have made my proverbial entrance onto the World Wide Web, about 6 years after my first attempt. Let's see how this one goes.

Hmm lets see if I understand what a BLOG is supposed to be...I've read many many on the web and I have some favorites, but you know what? They're supposed to be some sort of log of events and happenings and thoughts of people to share with everyone with access to the web. What a great idea! A lot of it is useless drivel, some is interesting, some can even change the course of human events (see Rathergate). Well, guess what? It's my turn to spew some of my own drivel on the web.


And some of you may wonder 'damn, why does he rant so much?'...Well because I can, I reckon. As they (the proverbial THEY, whoever they are) say, 'if you don't like it, change the channel'

See ya on the flipside, I should have some sort of sassy or witty verbiage posted soon. Jes gotta get my thoughts together. In the mean time, check out Kitten's Blog

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At 3:13 PM, Blogger P-Dogg said...

TEst TEst


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