Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Follow up to the Democrats Temper Tantrum yesterday..

Yesterday the Democrat leadership invoked Floor Rule #21 which effectively closed the Senate floor to the public and they brought up the issue of pre-war intelligence and WMDs AGAIN.

I just wanted to give you all a link to show you what a group of hypocritical liars the current Democratic leadership in this country is composed of. As if this issue wasn't settled once and for all, it seems the Democrats suffer from chronic memory loss:


At least I know the Fat Drunk from Taxachussetts has an excuse.

- Thanks to Little Green Footballs

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At 7:42 AM, Blogger Curleygirl said...

Nothing like a little hypocrisy to keep us on our toes. It's a shame that the people that voted for some of the hypocrites don't call them out.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Sean said...

P-Dogg -

I'm confused.

You gave us a link that pretty much said that most of those quotes were taken out of context, and often were followed by: "....but we still shouldn't invade."

What's your point?

Also (and this may be a little too serious for blogging:) what Boortz says notwithstanding, there have been shown to be *NO* WMD in Iraq at the time of the invasion.


At 9:51 AM, Blogger P-Dogg said...

The point is this: if you read what these people actually said, in their proper context or not, they all said that they knew and most assumed that Saddam Hussein had WMDs prior to the 2002 invasion of Iraq. Whether they said afterwards they didn't want to invade or not is irrelevant, because they in the past, prior to the invasion, SAID that they believed that he had WMD. The Bush administration for some reason used the WMD argument as one of many reasons for invading Iraq, and it seems to be the only argument that the Democrats and the MSM keep referring to - over and over and over again ad nauseam. I am simply pointing out that these folks that are now saying 'there were (past tense, as opposed to present tense) no WMDs in Iraq' are now contradicting themselves. If they were saying 'OK there ARE no WMDs in Iraq. I shouldn't have voted to invade Iraq based upon that item alone because we were all snookered by poor pre-war intelligence, even though there were numerous other reasons to vote for an invasion.', then that would be a bit more honest.

Now if they stood against the war and voted against it when the Congress approved it, then fine. But otherwise they are suddenly acting like Bush lied to them when they were saying the exact same things a few years back - and this link provides exactly what they said.

Now as to the statement about 'no WMDs have been found in Iraq', that is false as well as WMDs and components for the construction of WMDs have indeed been found in Iraq. Hey, it may not seem like much - finding a shell with Sarin gas in it, but it does qualify as a WMD, and had the potential to kill thousands. True, we have not yet discovered the 'stockpiles' that the UN was so busy trying to locate as well, but not many people out there believe that Saddam just got rid of the WMDs he used to have.

Here are some links to stories regarding Banned weapons found in Iraq:,2933,120268,00.html

Besides, this whole WMD debate is soo tired, how come noone talks about the cease fire violations that Iraq had consistently committed against our forces? Or the violations of numerous UN resolutions? or the fact that Iraq has repeatedly invaded neighboring countries?


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