Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Media and the War

The media is now trumpeting the 2000th American Soldier casualty in the war in Iraq. I swear if I didn't know any better I would think that the media in conjunction with 'peace' groups are rooting for our soldiers to die just because they don't like our current president. These 'peace' groups are planning all sorts of demonstrations, rallies, and marches (read celebrations) to mark this ghoulish 'milestone'. I use their word 'milestone', because it is not a milestone. A milestone used in the proper sense gives a connotation of accomplishment, a marker on the way to a goal. Do the media and these 'peace' groups regard this as a milestone because their goal is to see our military fail and all our soldiers die in combat? Some, many actually, would say 'yes'. Read this from someone much more well written than I.

Once again this reinforces my exasperation with the state of politics in this country, because we actually hear about these 'peace' groups and the media is totally slanted against this effort in Iraq, talking constantly about all the casualties and not about the successes and the fact that we are winning this war. Need proof?

The Iraqis just passed a National constitution.

Didn't hear about it? Not surprised, the media didn't play it up at all because it makes President Bush look good, although he is not directly responsible for this. The Iraqi people are.

I fail to understand how anyone with any sense at all can think that the right thing to do now is to just pull up and leave from Iraq because of some overblown sense of defeat, or because it was the 'wrong thing to do' in the first place (even though it wasn't and there are mountains of evidence and UN resolutions supporting the invasion of Saddam's Iraq). Give me a break. We totally kicked their asses, and still are over there kicking more ass. Tell me where we've lost?

I pray for the day that Americans as a whole, and in particular the media, overlook political differences and understand that this war is bigger than George W. Bush, or Republicans, or abortion rights, or whatever the hell their pet issue of the day is.

Until then I am sure the beat will go on, and eventually the media may get its way, a Democrat will get elected, and we will lose. Be careful what you wish for, idiots.

UPDATE: For a follow up to what I was saying about this 'milestone' crap - check out these people in full party mode. Ghouls.
-Courtesy Little Green Footballs

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