Thursday, September 01, 2005


We were in Hickory this past weekend when we noticed on the news saturday night that Katrina had intensified and become a Cat 5 storm and was bearing down on Louisiana. I had always wondered what a Cat 5 storm would look like when it hit land, seeing as how I used to T.A. Meteorology and Climatology in Grad School. I had this inner desire - from the same place that people have the desire to see car wrecks - to see what sort of destruction a storm like this could bring.

I've seen it now, although not in person, and I am ashamed of ever thinking that it would be 'cool' to see what a Cat 5 storm could do.

This is beyond anything I could have imagined, and I fear it may get alot worse in New Orleans. Buildings may start to topple due to softening foundations. There is no law in the streets now, so it may even be necessary to have a Fallujah-style invasion of New Orleans by our military just to get it back. Gas lines are insane here in Georgia. Corpses float through flooded streets. Diease will soon set in. Thousands may die. The effects are seemingly endless.

And all this because of a very large hurricane - a natural event.

Who's to blame? No one. The lefties and Euroweenies are blaming President Bush for this, just showing their total lack of human hearts and minds in the process. Category 5 storms occur on this planet, they have in the past, they will in the future. It's not one man's fault and to think so is ignorant, and then to voice it? That's just the height of stupidity.

I pray and hope that things get better for the entire Mississippi and New Orleans Katrina impacted areas. I just hope that we as Americans learn some lessons out of this, and remember when someone brings up the possibility of an event like this being brought on by a terrorist. *shudder*

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