Monday, August 15, 2005

From the Center of the biggest Red State

Just saw an amusing article linked through MSN Chat's 'MSN Today'. Apparently some neighbor of President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas has had enough and shot off a shotgun while the 'doves', as MSN terms them, were holding some sort of protest-prayer-vigil thingy. When asked by reporters why he shot in the air with a shotgun, Larry Mattlage said 'This is Texas'. I don't really know what that means exactly, but still, it's kind of funny. A few things I find telling about this article:

1) That this is such a big deal that MSN printed an article about it. Of course they were assuredly waiting for something like this to happen so that they could make a big deal out of it. Now if he had shot at the 'doves', then that would be a story. But instead we get 'that evil Texas Red Stater shot a gun in the air'.

2) Mr, Mattlage just wants things to get back to normal. Quote: "Mattlage said he was sympathetic toward the demonstrators at first, but they have blocked roads in the area and caused traffic problems. He said he fired his gun in preparation for dove-hunting season but when asked if he had another motive, he said, “Figure it out for yourself.”" *guilty chuckle*

3)This is the proverbial money line. I don't wanna get too much into these 'doves' down at Crawford wasting everyone's time too much, but this will tell you what Cindy Sheehan thinks of most of America:“I think we knew of the risks when we came down here,” she said. “I’m surprised we haven’t had more of that since we’re in Bush country.” Yup, there you go. Bush supporters or 'Bush Country' = Shotgun totin', mesh hat wearin', violent yokels who just don't understand the progressiveness of a 'peace protest'.

Now I know why Cindy Sheehan is there to protest or meet the President or whatever the hell she wants. The loss of a loved one in a war must be difficult to deal with, but I could think of some other more constructive uses of one's time than badgering the president to admit that he killed her son, even though he didn't. I still have sympathy for the mother in Cindy Sheehan, but not the political activist.

Why do I put the word 'doves' which MSN so eloquently used to describe Cindy Sheehan's ilk in quotes you ask? Well, because doves don't go around squawking and drawing attention to themselves for political causes. Once again I'd like to quote Mr. Mattlage.. "Figure it out for yourself".

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At 3:56 PM, Blogger Curleygirl said...

Would this count as Bush's "Peace Dove" that Jane Goodall wants us all to have? *snicker*

At 4:43 PM, Blogger P-Dogg said...

Nope - just Una Paloma Triste.....

//Inside joke...

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment is "Happy Birthday, Map Geek".


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